What You Need to Know About the "Blue Zones"

Have you heard of “Blue Zones”? This is a term used to identify select (five) regions/communities around the world where people have greater longevity. It’s fascinating stuff, and researchers have dedicated extensive study to offer an explanation as to why these populations live such healthier and longer lives.This recent NPR article offers a very thought-provoking overview of insights, breaking down nutritional trends (while each region varies slightly, across the board there is a dominant emphasis on plant foods, little to no cow dairy pr processed junk food/sugar, and fish as often the most commonly consumed meat if any is being eaten) – as well as vitally important lifestyle factors (physical activity, strong sense of family and community, spirituality, values, etc.). It doesn’t just come down to one thing or one answer – there is no "magic pill" – it’s the amalgamation of all of these things that can contribute to a longer, happier and healthier life.One of my biggest takeaways from this information about the Blue Zones? Mindfulness. In general, these people are living life remarkably mindfully in every way – from what and how they eat, to their relationships, how they think and move, their work and overall life balance and priorities.Living mindfully is a powerful choice to make for yourself. And all it can take is a small mental shift and commitment or focus that can result in a positive shift within ourselves, and then those around us (it can be contagious in a wonderful way). Mindfulness can have strong ripple effects into many areas within our lives, consciously and subconsciously guiding us toward better decisions and ultimately improved overall well-being.