DIY Holiday Treat Gift Ideas

As Hanukkah comes to and end and Christmas is just around the corner, you may be scrambling for some last minute gift ideas. A thoughtful do-it-yourself (DIY) gift can be just the thing. More time may afford you the ability to make a handmade treasure like a knit hat or scarf, but whether or not time is on your side, you very well may have the ingredients you need already in your home to put together a lovely gift to give.While a box or jar of your famous cookies or bars is a fail-safe (consider buying a nice glass or ceramic jar/container to fill with your homemade treats as a two-piece gift - or do this with large mason jars), you can also package your own baking mixes in jars - which lets the recipient then make it when they want. Not a bad idea when there is already an abundance of indulgence around the holidays! Flats of large mason jars can be purchased pretty inexpensively at hardware or bulk stores, and all you have to do is layer dry ingredients in one at a time - starting with the largest quantity at the bottom.Use your favorite recipe - just about all are workable. A few tips to keep in mind when compiling the jars:

  • Whisk together the base ingredient (typically flour of some sort) with the other small and fine things (salt, baking powder/soda, spices, etc.), and pour that into the jar first as the base layer.
  • If chocolate chips or dried fruit are included, add those in as one of if not the last ingredient on top.
  • Decorate the jars with ribbon, a personalized gift tag, a painted design or whatever else you think of.
  • Jars like this have increased in popularity in recent years, and are usually a recipe for indulgence - which is great (we all need a little indulgence!)! But why not also consider throwing something a little cleaner or healthier into the mix. Try a recipe with a whole grain flour, less sugar, etc.
  • Don't forget to include an attached tag or sticker on the jar that includes the full recipe and instruction list, including the wet ingredients that will need to be added in.

Want an alternative to baking mixes? Try:

  • Bottles or jars of homemade extracts (e.g., vanilla beans + vodka)
  • Bottles or jars of alcohols (e.g., lemons + sugar + vodka = limoncello) -- even if still aging
  • Jars of homemade jam, nut butter (nutella?!), caramel
  • Jars or baggies of homemade superfood powder blends

I'd love to know what your go-to DIY gift is - or if you're looking for a particular recipe that you can gift - leave a note in the comments or send me a message.Wishing you happy and healthy holidays!!