Poignant Words About the Importance of Healthy Eating

In an article on HuffPo examining the trend of supplements as weight-loss aids (specifically the recent "it" supplement being African mango), Dr. Julie Chen wrote the following (emphasis mine):

"Don't get me wrong, I am clearly not opposed to supplements, and find them to be helpful in augmenting treatment and health goals... But they are not supposed to be quick fixes that take the place of healthy habits. The healthy habits need to be the foundation of how we achieve our health goals. There are certain supplements and many patient cases where supplements are absolutely necessary above and beyond a healthy diet, but my point is that the healthy diet should be the foundation first and foremost. Supplements are meant to be a gap-filler to augment an already healthy lifestyle. So, I have to frequently caution my patients against continuing an unhealthy lifestyle thinking that supplements are the equivalent of eating a balanced, healthy diet... They are not.So, for everyone reading this article, I would like to propose that we establish food in its natural form in a mostly plant-based diet that is anti-inflammatory as the foundation of weight loss, cholesterol and sugar management, and disease prevention. Then, the supplements that are appropriate and safe for your desired health goals can be layered on top of that foundation to help augment your attempts at your health goal. But, remember to always check with your physician to make sure that those supplements are safe for your medical history."

Love this, and couldn't agree more. And on that note, have a wonderful and veggie-filled weekend!