Exercise: Another List for Your Daily To-Dos!

For a healthy and strong body and mind, aside from fueling ourselves with whole clean foods, we need to move. No-brainer and old news of the day, right? Sure, but the reality is excuses sneakily (or not) eek their way in and exercise can too often get pushed indefinitely to tomorrow, so I think it's an important topic to readdress frequently, no-brainerness aside. The idea of dedicating a large chunk of time daily to, say, going to the gym, may feel daunting or impossible amidst an otherwise busy schedule - but the reality is doing anything to get your heart rate up to a safe and effective zone (learn more about that here) and muscles moving is good!Consistency is certainly key, but again is easier said than done. I think we sometimes underestimate the value and positive impact of simple exercises we can do anywhere - jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, etc., or even jogging in place - for as few or many minutes as you can spare. I just came across this "100 workout" concept, and like the simplicity of it and the way it's broken down - we can all carve time out of our day to do this or a variation of it, if nothing else, and reap the benefits. Having it laid out in  this clean and clear format may also boost the sticktoitiveness:I'd do the above set of exercises one day and the next day swap out the squats/leg lifts for a combination of push-ups, tricep-dips and pull-ups, so that the focus alternates between the upper and lower body each day. It's substantial enough to do on a day without any other traditional form of "exercise" to get your blood flowing and muscles going, and concise enough to do add on to a day you also engage in a separate workout of any kind.Exercise doesn't need to mean going to a gym for two hours (which to me personally sounds miserable, but we all need to find whatever works for us individually, love it, own it and stick to it). I personally favor things like running outside or hiking, taking yoga classes when possible or spin classes though I haven't done that in a while. I've also lately been getting into the Insanity DVD workout series for a convenient (but not easy!) workout to mix things up a bit, and like that I can do it at home or even from a hotel via my laptop when traveling. And, I always enjoy finding new tips to incorporate strengthening easily into my day, like the above 100 workout list.All of my blathering aside, the point is: whether or not this 100 workout list inspires you, find out what does inspire you to move more, act on it, keep it up, and change it up if and when you need - your body and mind will be grateful!!