Found more deliciousness in Tucson last weekend at the cozy & casual Lovin' Spoonfuls!This restaurant focuses on making the comfort food you love, except healthier and 100% vegan.When we stumble upon restaurants like this, we tend to over-order - and why not, right? We started out with the "beer battered brat bites" and also had a bottle of the Pircas Negras Malbec (organic Chilean) wine... at $18, it was kind of hard to resist and was a pretty decent bottle at that. The service was great, and another bonus was the small green salad that came with the entrees we ordered - atypical of an order-at-the-counter restaurant. The salad was simple and good, with a very delicious homemade sesame-dijon dressing.
We had the "('beef') stroganoff supreme" and the "old country lasagne," both of which were fantastic. I asked about the "ricotta" in the lasagne - turns out it's made in-house with a firm tofu base. Could have fooled me! I need to try and make that myself.
Stuffed as we were by meal's end, the dessert options were too enticing to overlook - so... naturally... we got a piece of the chocolate fudge cake and the chocolate chip cake to go which shockingly lasted us 2 days. Both were so good... I am really hoping to get my hands on the recipes!
{Mini-Soapbox Moment: Honestly... the more vegan things I try, like cakes for example (using that as an example since vegan baking seems to get a harsher rap than cooking) - be it from a proper bakery/restaurant, my kitchen, or an adept friend - the more I am completely convinced that eggs/dairy milk/butter are so nonessential to making creations that are absolutely incredible (as good as if not better than a non-vegan counterpart) both in the flavor and texture departments. So why not, right?? Even for us predominantly but not quite 100% plant-based eaters, when there are easy ways to replace typically-used animal products - and at no sacrifice to flavor or texture - it feels like a no-brainer to do it!}Even if you're not in the Tucson area, I recommend taking a look through Lovin' Spoonfuls' website - at the menu (perhaps for inspiration in your own kitchen!), at the "My Story" section (owner Peg Raisglid details her interesting journey from chemist to restaurateur, omnivore to vegan), and at the "Veggie Info" section (here you'll find well-researched/sourced information on the nutritional quality of a plant-based diet).